Discover Your Potential

Discover Your Potential


A holistic approach to recovery and healing.


Make A Difference

Active Rehabilitation is a community peer-based approach that first started in Sweden in 1976. Instead of wrapping them in cottonwool and not allowing them to do anything but lie on a bed as was the norm, Sweden developed AR training camps providing intensive, goal-oriented, intentional, group-based, customized training and peer-support opportunities in a community environment.

Reintegration back into society and the workforce Ayurveda, Yoga and naturopathy will be the foundation’s principals. Addressing the body as a whole – physical, mental, emotional and backing it up with nutrition.

ARRAY’s dream is to build a world class, state of the art active rehabilitation center for Spinal Cord Injured with a strong focus to re-skill and train them back into the workforce.

  What does ARRAY mean






Our values


Sanjay Raveendran


Sanjay is a shining example of hope for persons with SCI seeking rehabilitation at ARRAY. He studied Hotel Management in Chennai, then returned to Dubai where he spent his childhood and joined a leading hotel group managing Retail Operations. His promising managerial career was cut short following a car accident in 2007 where Sanjay sustained a C5/C6 compression resulting in quadriplegia. 18 months were spent in the Indian Spinal Injury Centre in Delhi undergoing a rigorous rehabilitation program. He joined IBM, Bangalore in 2013 and progressed from a call centre executive to being a business analyst and iteration manager. Sanjay is determined to use his experience, knowledge and mental strength to help others with similar needs.

Titch Robinson

Co-Founder, Director of ARRAY Foundation

Titch is a British businesswoman passionate about nutrition, helping those with spinal cord injury and wound management. She is a healing activist whose soul satisfying journey started in 2009 when she became involved with SCI rehabilitation. Her dream and vision is to initiate and establish a first class, state of the art, holistic active rehabilitation centre in India, for people with spinal cord injury.

Dileep Punalur

CEO ARRAY Foundation

Dileep Punalur is an electrical engineer and is the founder and CEO of VackerGlobal, an engineering company with HQ in Dubai and operating in multiple countries across the world. He is actively involved in supporting various social causes. Also VackerGlobal employs a lot of differently abled people, providing them career opportunities with uncompromised equality by changing the entire work culture imto a culture of flexibility to develop a company without discrimination.

Arun Sondhi

Advisor Active Rehabilitation

Arun Sondhi is a 60 years old Paraplegic and below knee amputee since 1983.
He is a supervisor and instructor, Active Rehabilitation at Vasahallen in Hedemora, Sweden. He introduced the concept of Active Rehabilitation for SCIs, for the first time in India, based on the Swedish model, mainly via Indian Spinal Injuries Centre in New Delhi as a Visiting Fellow 2003-10. He designed and manufactured the first low cost, locally made Active User Wheelchairs, known as The India Wheelchair in 2008. He has won two World Championships gold medals in Powerlifting and set three World Records in Bench Press 1990-98 competing for Sweden including 2 Paralympics (Barcelona 1992 and Atlanta 1996). He is also a two time Swedish National Champion in Para Equestrian Dressage.

Janaki Narayanan


Qualified as a Chartered Accountant, having more than 32 years of experience in Finance, Reporting and Compliance across private and public sector organisations including the UN and its specialised agencies, Janaki Narayanan is currently a consultant for ESG Reporting (Environment, Sustainability and Governance). She is also a coach and mentors a diverse range of clients from students to CEOs and start ups and incubatees.

Dr. Ruhi Agarwala

Consultant, Functional Medicine

Dr. Ruhi has been actively involved in creating awareness about early detection of breast cancer.With chronic diseases being so rampant, and the way it is being managed today by focussing on the disease rather than the body, pushed her to research about the root cause of diseases and learn about new tools to reverse chronic diseases. This led to the genesis of Functional Medicine Clinic.  Her mission is to help people reverse chronic conditions by addressing the root cause of diseases rather than just treating symptoms. She is a Co-Founder of Doctor Juice as well.

Dr. Ashwani Garg

Consultant Functional Medicine

Dr Ashwani’s dream to make a difference in healthcare made him move from clinical practice to healthcare innovations. However, the fact that conventional medicine is keeping patients diseased by abating symptoms, always bothered him. This made him look for sustainable solutions to address today’s healthcare crisis. To revive natural ways to enable the body to heal itself, he started the Functional Medicine Clinic. He is also the Founder Doctor Juice, a healthy food line in Bengaluru. He firmly believes that by creating a right environment within our body, we can prevent, treat and reverse chronic conditions. 

Dr. M.N. Patrudu

Ayurvedic Medicine

He is an experienced ayurvedic physician and co-founder of the Navanadha foundation. He is also a trained scientist and customised new and optimised his family-owned proprietary ayurvedic formulations. They grow various herbs and carefully source and process many herbs that cannot be grown in south India for our formulations.  His education includes a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Life Sciences, and his master’s degree (MSc) in Life Sciences from Andhra University and later completed a post-graduate diploma (PG) in chemical analysis and quality management from the Central University. He acquired his professional ayurvedic degree (BAMS) from Sri Chrandrasekharendra Viswamaha Vidhyalaya, Kanchipuram. He has taken special medical training from (SJSAC&H Chennai), trained in Panchakarma, and has been practising it for more than a decade. He has presented and published in-depth ayurvedic concepts and case studies nationally and internationally. 

Dr. Veenu Kumar

Consultant Physiotherapist

He is the chief physical therapist &  Head of the physiotherapy department at Aashlok Hospital. He is the Founder of Solace Physiotherapy Centre and working in Delhi. He holds a Masters Degree  in Cardio-Pulmonary from India. He is a London Shoulder Clinic Expert and the Tutor. He was for 8 years formerly associated with the prestigious National Heart Institute at Delhi,India and before that was the ward incharge at Indian Spinal Cord Injury Centre. He has more than 13 years of experience in assessing and managing all the ailments. He has successfully managed and rehabilitated the spinal cord injury patients to help them in attaining the optimal quality of life. He is an expert in mobilisation techniques related to the spine as well as all the joints of the body. He has numerous certifications including Sports Tapping, LASER and Advance Wounds. He is currently an International Faculty for the International Institute of Health Sciences at Srilanka. He was honoured to serve the Ex-President of India Mr. Pranab Mukherjee as his physiotherapist.

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